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Shocking! The Startling Reasons Over-Tourism Threatens World Heritage Sites and Solutions



 The term "World Heritage" holds special value as a symbol of human history, culture, and the beauty and diversity of nature. However, when the number of visitors seeking to witness that value becomes excessively high, World Heritage sites are exposed to the risk of destruction instead. This phenomenon is known as over-tourism, and it not only jeopardizes the preservation of World Heritage but also has adverse effects on the local environment and society.

 Why does over-tourism occur? And what can be done to resolve it?

 In this discussion, we will explore the impact of over-tourism on World Heritage, its reasons, and potential solutions.






1.What is Over-tourism?(オーバーツーリズムとは?)

 Over-tourism refers to the phenomenon where a region or tourist destination experiences an influx of tourists beyond its carrying capacity, causing various issues for the environment, culture, and society. Examples include the destruction of natural and historical structures, a decline in the quality of residents' lives, overload on infrastructure and services, and rising prices.

 Over-tourism not only compromises the sustainability and appeal of tourist destinations but also has the potential to decrease the satisfaction and safety of the tourists themselves.






2.Specific Examples of Over-tourism in World Heritage Sites(世界遺産におけるオーバーツーリズムの具体的な事例)

 Places registered as World Heritage Sites are particularly susceptible to the risks of over-tourism, with numerous cases reported. Here, we highlight examples such as Barcelona in Spain, Venice in Italy, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands.





 With approximately 32 million annual visitors, Barcelona is addressing the challenge by implementing measures to reduce tourist numbers while increasing per capita spending. Specific actions include restrictions on vacation rentals and hotel openings, prohibitions on sitting or eating in historical buildings, and the collection of tourist taxes and entrance fees.




 The renowned water city of Venice attracts around 30 million tourists annually, yet it has a resident population of only about 50,000. Consequently, issues like water pollution and building degradation have intensified. Venice has implemented measures such as collecting entry fees from non-staying tourists and prohibiting cruise ship stops to address these challenges.




 Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, receives around 20 million visitors per year, while its resident population is approximately 850,000. This has led to problems like skyrocketing rent and traffic congestion. Amsterdam's measures include setting limits on the operating days of vacation rentals and collecting tourist taxes from guests to alleviate these issues.



 In summary, over-tourism in World Heritage Sites poses significant challenges. Various regions are taking measures aimed at environmental protection, preservation of cultural heritage, and support for resident livelihoods. However, the effectiveness and challenges of these measures are still not entirely clear.





3.Impact of Over-tourism on World Heritage Sites(オーバーツーリズムが世界遺産に及ぼす影響)

 Over-tourism poses significant issues, subjecting cultural heritage and archaeological sites to destruction and pollution, disrupting landscapes, and deteriorating the living environments of local residents.

 For instance, in Cambodia's Angkor Wat, the increase in tourists has led to the degradation of structures and a decline in groundwater levels. In Venice, Italy, the passage of massive cruise ships has caused water quality deterioration and increased subsidence. Furthermore, in Peru's Machu Picchu, tourist waste and litter have contaminated the archaeological site, causing destruction to the surrounding natural environment. From these examples, it is evident that the impact of over-tourism on World Heritage Sites is severe, emphasizing the urgent need for proactive measures.





4.Measures Taken by Various Countries and Regions Against Over-tourism(オーバーツーリズムに対する各国や地域の対策)

 To address over-tourism, various countries and regions have implemented diverse measures.



①Restriction of Tourist Numbers(観光客数の抑制):

 Controlling the number of tourists through entry limitations during specific periods or time slots and implementing reservation systems help alleviate congestion and reduce the burden on tourist destinations.

 For instance, Venice, Italy, plans to impose an entrance fee for tourists entering the city from 2022. Similarly, China has set a daily limit of 80,000 visitors to the Great Wall.




②Time and Location Dispersion(時間や場所の分散):

 By altering the time frames and locations where tourists concentrate, efforts are made to normalize and diversify tourism destinations.

 Kyoto, Japan, for example, opens tourist spots during the night or early morning and promotes lesser-known locations. In Paris, France, recommendations extend beyond famous spots like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, encouraging visits to suburban or nearby tourist destinations.




③Promotion of Tourist Etiquette(観光マナーの啓蒙):

 Enlightening tourists about destination rules, cultures, and environmental considerations encourages a symbiotic relationship between tourist sites and visitors.

 For instance, in Thailand, guidelines for dressing modestly when entering Buddhist temples are provided. In the Netherlands, tourists in Amsterdam are made aware of traffic rules and safety measures when cycling within the city.





5.How to Prevent Over-tourism(オーバーツーリズムを防ぐためにはどうすべきか?)

 To prevent over-tourism, the following measures are considered essential.



①Understanding the Accommodative Capacity of Tourist Destinations(観光地の収容能力を把握)

 By implementing entry restrictions and reservation systems to ensure tourist destinations do not exceed their accommodative capacity, congestion and environmental stress can be alleviated.



②Educating Tourists to Respect Local Culture and Customs(観光客に対して、地域の文化や習慣に配慮するように啓発)

 Encouraging tourists to adhere to etiquette such as taking back their litter and behaving quietly. Additionally, promoting interactions with local residents and engaging in participatory experiences can deepen mutual understanding between tourists and the local community.



③Promoting the Diversity and Allure of Tourist Destinations(観光地の多様性や魅力を発信)

 Advocating for dispersed tourism rather than concentration, facilitating effective utilization of tourism resources, and contributing to regional revitalization can help mitigate the issues associated with over-tourism.




In Conclusion,(おわりに)

 Over-tourism is a phenomenon where the number of tourists visiting a region or tourist destination becomes excessively high, surpassing the capacity and environmental sustainability of that area. This phenomenon significantly impacts UNESCO World Heritage sites.

 For instance, in Venice, the water level rises due to the navigation of water buses and cruise ships, causing erosion and subsidence of buildings. Similarly, at Angkor Wat, the excessive number of tourists has led to the deterioration of the preservation state of the ruins, risking the loss of cultural value.

 To address over-tourism, it is crucial to implement measures such as restricting the number of tourists, introducing tourist taxes, and encouraging responsible behavior among tourists, considering the local culture and environment.

 In summary, this discussion has explained the reasons behind the threat over-tourism poses to UNESCO World Heritage sites and potential solutions.






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